Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A little closer to Monday

I'm a day earlier with my post this week than I was last week, next week I may even make it on Monday as I said I would.
Wouldn't that be novel!

But on to business.
I hate wasted opportunities!
While I may be born and bred in the Anglican Church of Australia, some of the things that we do are stupid (if not in principal then in the way that they are executed).

Case in point: Sunday night was our confirmation service for the year (when people publicly declare in front of the church that they are Christians). One of the brilliant things about confirmation services is that they are an awesome opportunity for the people being confirmed to invite along their friends and family (many of whom will have never before heard the gospel or will have a distorted view of what Christianity is).

This gives us Christians in the church a chance to share the good news that Jesus died for their rejection of God and has been raised back to life as Gods chosen king!

Unfortunately, this didn’t really happen on Sunday night.Instead of presenting a clear and easy to understand gospel message and saying ‘this is what these people are publicly agreeing to tonight’ we seemed to explain what happened when someone was confirmed, used plenty of Christian jargon to explain it, read through the relevant prayer book service and had a chance for photo’s.

This Irks me to no end as not only were there about three times the normal amount of people at the service but many of them were not Christians. Not only did we hold a service that is completely different to the way that we regularly do things but we wasted a fantastic opportunity to share to gospel of Jesus with many people who had not heard it before and challenge them to think about what role Jesus had in their lives.

Very, very frustrating.

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