Thursday, September 01, 2005

Breaking the drought

Breaking the drought
Well it’s been a little while since the last post (which incidentally was my first post). Personally I’d like to blame two things; firstly I would like to blame the Australian climate. There really hasn't been a heap of rain around lately (worst drought in 100 years) which correlates with the amount of postings on my spot. So essentially what I am saying is that my blog predicts the weather.
The other reason I haven't posted recently is because of John Howard. I don't really know how it's his fault, but it seems to be trendy to rag on our PM, and I just want to be popular...
(F.Y.I. I don't really think that Mr. Howard has anything to do with my own laziness nor would I rag on him in a way that wasn't in some way constructive.)

But I Digress.

Anyway, part of the new plan I had for the site was a weekly sermon discussion. The plan being that sometime on Mondays I post some of my thoughts about the sermon that I heard the previous night. (If I'm feeling geeky enough I may throw in some statistics that may or may not be fictitious). I would love to know what other people think about the ideas thoughts passages, exegesis etc.

And finally I would like you all to know...

If I Were French My Name Would Be...
Marlon du Chevalier

1 comment:

gruehunter said...

Sounds like a great idea! And took you long enough to post. Blame Telstra for their crappy service! (Which means you probably can blame the PM in some way shape or form. ;))