Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weird Dream Story Idea - Your thoughts?

So I don't know how often this happens to people, but I had a dream last night that potentially had the beginnings of a cool story. And by cool I mean hopefully has the potential to get the crap marketed out of it and make me a fortune.

I don't remember all the details but it played out like a cartoon in my head. Not a warner brothers cartoon (although, subconscious, if you are listening that would be cool for tonight) but one of those new cartoons that seems part anime. Kind of a Ben10 style of animation.

I can still picture some key parts but it's fading and I want to write this down somewhere and seeing as my notebook is filled with notes for F.T.E. and this feels like a side project, I figured why not write it hear. There are two scenes that stand out in my mind.

First was brief, it was kind of like a mechanised octopus... without a head... and where the suckers would be were red lines that met in the centre and it scanned things (sounds a little cylonish not that I think about it).

Second was like a council that governed the land, I got the feeling that they were the bad guys (though some seemed worse than others) and they were all somewhere along the spectrum between humans and mechanised animals (real animals and fictional animals). I got the impression that the different groups don't get along on principal but they were united in this one issue that they were dealing with.

I get the idea that there was some sort of meeting taking place about trying to get a small remnant that had not yet 'mechanised' in some way to join them (become mechanised). For some reason they thought that the world would be better if everyone was 'mechanised' to some degree.

Different individuals had different ideas about how to do this, the two that stand out were one mostly mechanical dragon-ish creature who wanted to somehow force them to change (oddly enough through some sort of dragon dance which, if it is what the guy in my dream did, involves stomping and waving your arms up and down while standing on the spot.
A different guy who was human (though only his face was fleshy) and wore robes seemed to think this was a silly idea. Didn't actually suggest anything but I got the distinct impression he though that the un-mechanised humans needed to be lured into changing.

Anyhow, that was a more colourful dream than I usually have.

Thoughts as a story idea?

Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Resistance – Take a Stand Against Corruption!

Muse has been gaining more popularity in recent years. You might be most familiar with two of their songs, either ‘Knights of Cydonia’ that gained notoriety through the awesomely addictive game, Guitar Hero or ‘Super Massive Black Hole’ which was tied in with the ‘Twilight’ movie. The Resistance is Muse’s latest album and is difficult to pin down into a particular genre, as there is just so much variety on the album. Words I have seen used to describe the album have included: Rocking, Anthemic, Symphonic and Quirky with influences of Pop, Disco and Queen. I enjoyed The Resistance, and I suspect many people will find something on the album that can appeal to their tastes.

The Resistance has several themes that resonate with the Bible and two of the big ones are the total depravity of humankind (i.e. the way that any human endeavour is corrupted due to our nature) and the need for something to be done about this. At its heart The Resistance is a lament about corruption in the world and the way that people ruin things for each other. Uprising, the first track on the album sets this tone. Uprising calls people to rise up against corrupt authorities and the first step is to wake up to the reality of the world we live in with all its injustices, stop buying into the lies and comfort of the world around us that we find so comfortable and start making a difference.

The tracks on The Resistance have a strong emotional undercurrent, alternating from the extremes of pursuing love in the face of opposition to feeling so passionate about social inequality that you are willing to instigate civil disobedience to make yourself heard. While the album continues to discuss fighting against corruption, the writer seems to realise that the problem isn’t just the people he is rising up against; the problem is with all of us. Our corruption spreads anywhere we go and impacts all parts of existence.

While The Resistance does share some themes raised in the Bible, it is a markedly different message. Religious words like ‘sin’ are not used in the album nor does it claim than our sinful nature is humanities big problem, instead it suggests that humanities needs lie in social reform. I can’t help but feel the album concludes on a question mark. The final request in the last song is for another chance, a last chance to be good and forgive ourselves. The ending seems so bleak as humans have already had plenty of chances and failed to get it right moreover, unasked questions like “Whose standard have we fallen short of?” and “Why would it matter
?” remain unanswered. If you, or someone you know, are listening to the album these might be some good questions to ask.

Ultimately The Resistance misses out on humanities biggest problem: Sin, our rebellion against God. The Bible tells us that it is Gods standard we all fall short of. In Romans 3:10 – 12 we read:

"There is no one righteous, not even one; 11there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. 12All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one."

Ultimately, falling short of God’s standard results in our death and judgement, which can only be dealt with through the blood of Jesus. But praise God we don’t need to end on a question mark like Muse, we can know that Jesus died and rose again so any of us can have our relationship with God fixed if we have faith in Jesus, the one who took our corruption on himself.