Thursday, July 05, 2007

An excerpt from Lachlan’s thinking:

I need to decide if I can work here.

No matter how many benefits there might be, if I am teaching people something contrary to the gospel or in a situation where there is a good chance that it is expected I will teach things that oppose the Bible. I can not do that. The question is, ‘Will this place put me in that position?’

My thinking shifts through phases:

* It will place me in ‘that’ situation. It’s only a matter of time.

* I can probably adjust my interactions so that I don’t technically advocate something that I think is ultimately a false truth. But I’ll spend so much time and energy doing adjusting how I need to word what I am saying, so that I don’t disagree with it that I’ll severely reduce my efficacy as a worker.

* Never do I think that it will be fine here and I won’t have any issues.

Methinks I know what the decision I need to make is.

The tricky thing is:
- Where can I work?
- Will I have the same issues there?
- Did I waste four years of uni?

Okay I might be making things out to be a little worse than they could be, but they are still concerns.
Whoever said being a Christian was easy.

- Lachlan

Monday, July 02, 2007

The World of Today

Well another weekend has reached its conclusion.

Although I am working this afternoon, which has given me the morning off, I am not incredibly thrilled about going back to work. It seems especially bitter when everyone else I know seems to be on holidays and I am used to being on holidays at this time of year.

But enough whining.

Last night at church we had an outreach night where we looked at 'Treasure that really counts' Rob gave a great talk that clearly explained that we need Jesus to be able to have a relationship with God.

Okay so this is another short post and I'm still getting into a blogging groove but I figure I'll work on my regularity first. I wonder if there is an internet equivalent to all bran to help with that.