Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The Inception

While sounding a little excessive as a Blog title, ‘The Inception" seems appropriate for a first attempt at a Blog. Now it’s only a website you say, it isn’t like this is the beginning of my New World Order (although one can dream).

What potential does an electronic journal that you can ‘shpeal about whatever pops into your head’ have? A friend of mine reckons he is " biased against them because I believe them a resource for teenage angst (despite the fact I am no longer a teen)."

And after reviewing a number of the online journals that he was referring to, I can see that it is easy for a format like this to be abused.

This is not to say that making notes about what you did today isn’t a valid use of a Blog, but it seems like wasted potential.
This said what should you use a blog for? A presentation of well argued points creating a serious case for a one side in a debate over a social issue? A chance to push your views on the great pumpkin uprising of 114 in Gaul while examining would it have happened if the Roman Emperor had just agreed to lower the pumpkin tax? Or perhaps utilise this medium to show off your swanky (I just wanted to use the suffix ‘wanky’) 11th level fighter and tell the world how awesome his vorpal sword of zombie slaying +4 is. Or perform an episode by episode analyses of Star Trek episodes to determine who really is the better captain of the Enterprise.

These are all fine choices for what you can use your Blog for. And this is by no means a comprehensive list (just to clarify). As for me, myself, personally. I haven’t really decided yet. I don’t intend to post only on one particular issue, but it would be nice if there was some sort of continuity between the articles.

Saying this makes me realise that any gimmick that people suggest (hint hint) will not be assimilated into my postings until after this one. Hence, calling this Blog ‘The Inception’ is wrong in just about every sense of the word. This Blog is no inception at all, rather a planning of the Inception (cue dramatic music). So feel free to post what you think the actual Inception should include. I would be thrilled and challenged to see what people want to see in "Lets Loch it in" in the future.